Shaktipat Initiation for a most profound spiritual awakening. If You Give Us One Weekend, We’ll Start You On A Proven Approach To Lasting Happiness, Joy, Inner Peace and Total Well-Being. Experience Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing.  This is Kedarji’s full kundalini awakening offered in our weekend Shaktipat Meditation retreats.

What Is Shaktipat Initiation? On This Page You Will Learn:

  • You Will Learn All About Authentic Shaktipat Initiation From A Shaktipat Sadguru.
  • Who Can Benefit From Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing.
  • Why Should You Receive Shaktipat Initiation Now? – The Benefits.
  • Short Video Testimonials For Your Viewing.

A guide to Shaktipat. FREE eBOOK! Get your copy of The Shaktipat Education & Resource Guide.



Secret of the Siddhas – 11/1-3/24


By subscribing here, you will receive important articles about Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing and links to video blogs, along with regular retreat notices.


Everyone wants to be happy, healthy and wise. Therefore, the challenge is people seek these where they are not – like searching for water in a desert when you live by an ocean. The restless mind and the attachment to body, mind and senses is overwhelmingly strong for most people. This attachment always brings suffering and this predicament is due to one’s past and present karmas. You cannot destroy these karmas with worldly methods, no more than you can pull yourself up into the air by your own bootstraps.

Shaktipat, the full Kundalini awakening, is the initiation that opens the floodgates of Grace necessary to destroy all the karmic obstacles to inner Peace, Joy and the ocean of God’s Love, in a way that ends your seeking. This Grace comes from a master and Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing has proved to be the spark that ignites permanent spiritual transformation and lasting well-being in every area of life.

Those who receive Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing are able to easily attain higher and higher states of lasting spiritual awareness while, at the same time, improving their daily mundane lives for well-being and vibrant health.

What is Shaktipat Initiation?

Shaktipat initiation is a spiritual awakening of awareness of your Divinity. You experience the Divine force of God within you and all around you. This Divinity is also known as God Consciousness. For example, within your being there is a dormant, spiritual awareness that is hidden. You conceal it beneath so many worldly impressions, thoughts, notions, ideas and opinions. This sleeping spiritual awareness, also known as Kundalini, is dormant in you. Therefore, the purpose of Shaktipat Initiation is full Kundalini awakening. Most importantly, this blessing of Grace is offered in our weekend Shaktipat Meditation Retreats. Also, inherent for you in this Blessing is the leadership of Kedarji in the expansion of Kundalini to its fullest potential in God Consciousness.

Why Now?

Why not now!? Do you wake up with your heart singing and dancing with indescribable Joy? If not, why not?

Over a short period of time, it is entirely possible for you to attain a state of Grace. People like you are already experiencing true Happiness and unbreakable Joy that is not dependent on anything or anyone outside themselves. Why not you? Why not now? Truly, you can attain the inner strength necessary to take on life’s challenges with a smile on your face. Besides, you can have all this while treading a pathway to well-being and vibrant health.

This Shaktipat Initiation, this spiritual awakening, is the spark. In this way, with this full Kundalini awakening that is offered in our weekend Shaktipat Meditation Retreats, you can grasp the easy means to happiness, well-being and vibrant health.

View Retreat Schedule & Enrollment Info

Who Can Benefit From Receiving Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing? 

People who have been transformed by Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing are:

  • Genuine seekers of the Truth.
  • People seeking lasting peace and happiness for no good reason through a spiritual approach or path that delivers. These are people from all walks of life, in all fields of endeavor.
  • Yogis and spiritual seekers of the Truth looking to heighten their experience of Divine Consciousness.
  • Those looking for answers in spiritual life and holistic well-being, by way of experienced spiritual leadership.
  • People who are seeking holistic well-being who recognize that the foundation for that resides in harnessing spiritual power for an improved mental state, emotional resilience and vibrant health.

**View these short video testimonials of some of these people.

Kambra M. What Is Shaktipat?

Ben T. What Is Shaktipat?

Amanda H. Why Did You Choose To Receive Shaktipat?

David G. Why Did You Choose To Receive Shaktipat?

Deana T. Why Did You Choose To Receive Shaktipat?

Kambra M. How has Shaktipat transformed your spiritual practice and daily mundane life?

shaktipat initiation
shaktipat initiation
shaktipat initiation